The Right Kind of Break

Everyone deserves a break. Agree? And this is no ordinary break, I tell you, we have to dig in to the "right kind of break" that we all deserve. 

We may not consider our daily routines as compromising and as compensating like what we wanted, right? We may have our own ups and downs. Some of us struggle to make a living. Even sometimes, we also experience the roughest and toughest days, we can never imagine. 

Stress is one of the factors that we all should not consider including in our bucket list. But what other predisposing factors do you think that may contribute to stress? A LOT! First, there's the irreversible traffic when going in and out of work, then the unending deadlines, the pressure and tension; we cannot also ignore the annoying people around us, then there's domestic problems... health, spiritual and financial disputes, and of course, must not overlook this one---> heart or love problems. 

In life, we experience all those mentioned above. As they always say, life wouldn't all be fun, exciting and colorful without it, right? But do you sometimes think that we had enough? Do you think there could be an absolute counter-action against all of these? Well, fortunately, there is! 

Being a very busy, hands-on single mom like yours truly, I can relate to every single stress-related issues we have today. But given the right kind of break, I'd just rest in my most comfy couch, make an Indian sitting position, pull out my fave KITKAT 4 fingers, would rip the covers off then slowly munch and savor the rich chocolatey goodness that it brings blended with its crispy wafer.

Chocolate, as we all know, is our favorite treat that is effective in relieving stress. And it proved to be really beneficial to me. 

That right kind of break that could make me turn the impossible into possible! After taking my KITKAT break, I would like to unlock the skill of "multitasking" so that I can do several tasks in just one seating or I can do my articles while cooking or doing some other chores at the same time I can also chat with my family and friends online. How about that huh?! 

So join me in the #KITKATBreakMovement and might wanna know what else you are able to do next after taking that right kind of break. 
You deserve it after all! ;) (wink, wink!)

Have a Break, Have a KITKAT!!!

For more updates you can also visit the KITKAT Website:,     

Thank you for always being here amazing peeps! Hope it wouldn't take much of your time if I'd ask you to please like my 

Facebook page: AmazingJingForLife 
 and do follow me on 

Twitter and Instagram (@amazingjing) 

 Ciao! 'Til our next!

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