The Flames of CoVid-19

May 21, 2020

As the fires of the COVID - 19 pandemic rage onwards, Filipinos all over the country rely on the services of Frontliners more than ever.
Kris Nicolas, a volunteer firefighter, and a member of the COVID patient transmission team of Quezon City is one of our nation’s Frontliners. He selflessly risks his life to be of service to his fellow countrymen during this difficult time. Often, he spends extended periods away from home and being too tired once he finally has time to himself.

Unfortunately, this is an issue that a considerable majority of our COVID-19 Frontliners go through, with Kris himself longing to spend more time with his Grandmother especially last Mother’s Day.
When asked about his relationship with his grandmother, Kris automatically lit up with excitement. "When I was little, my Lola would bring me with her to the church, which nurtured a positive habit that I continue to practice to this day," he enthused.
"Whenever I have days off, she would cook for me, which is something I cherish greatly as my current schedule leaves me little to no time anymore. So, something as simple as a meal with her means the world to me," he added.
As Kris won't be able to physically be present with his grandmother during Mother's Day, Goldilocks, wanted to thank Kris for all that he has done as a Frontliner by surprising his Grandmother with a signature cake to celebrate such a special day.
Goldilocks is celebrating mothers for the whole month of May because our moms deserve more than just a day of celebration for their love and care. With the desire to make frontlines like John and his family happy, Goldilocks will be sending cakes to some deserving families throughout the month. 

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