Charting the Course: Retired Colonel Ariel Querubin's heart for Public Service with Valor and Unity

May 18, 2024

Up Close and Personal with Col. Ariel Querubin 

I've only known Col. Querubin as one of the bravest and toughest military officers in our country during his golden and momentous era. 

Just recently, I got the privilege to know him *up close and personal," as they say .. I find him a very principled man, and I cannot take that away from him because that's the way he was brought up and trained in the military. Like when in doubt and he feels he should fight for something what we knows is right, he really stands up for it and battle through it whatever it takes. That's such a heroic act, right?! 

Upon listening to his back stories during our meet and greet with him, I've realized what has pushed him to do "that," and how he had become a "changed" man now. Really, you cannot tell a good man behind his facade unless you get to talk to him and get to know him better. 

Overall, I salute you Col. Ariel Querubin!!! Thank you for what you have done for this country. You really deserve the Philippines' highest military award for courage, the "Medal of Valor!" 

On his lighter side, this is Col. Ariel Querubin as a family man and dog-lover: 

Part of his amazing stories shared to us, bloggers  was when he was declared clinically dead and was brought to the morgue! 


Col Art Quenibh, a highly decorated hero of the Philippine Marine Corp windo public service with a strong focus on unity and courage. His compagn bns to tving together leckten from different backgrounds to address the West Pelliccine bed dispute with solidarity and strategic thinking. Querubin envisions gevemment that emulates the strength and orderliness of a well-maintained ship sessing the nation towards progress and prospenty

Ax Fersions rise over the West Philippine Sed issue, Querubin advocates for a collaborative approach and urges leaders to defend the nation's sovereignty with a united front. His call for collective action against the true adversaries reflects his commitment to protecting the Filipino people and their well-being

Colonel Ariel Querubin is widely regarded as one of the most respected figures in Filipino military history. His remarkable career has been defined by his exceptional bravery, unwavering integrity, and commitment to serving his country. From the very beginning. Querubin showed great determination and became a fearless leader within the Philippine Army.

Querubin's military achievements are legendary, characterized by numerous acts of bravery in the face of adversity, Particularly notable is his near-death experience: during a harrowing encounter with insurgents, where he demonstrated exceptional courage and resilience, eaming him praise and admiration from both his comrades and superiors.

At the core of Querubin's character are the values of courage, integrity, and loyalty. which he upholds both on and off the battlefield. He understands that true heroism is not solely measured by medals but by the strength of one's character and convictions.

Querubin's legacy goes beyond his military achievements. As a devoted family man, he strives to instill the same values in his children, emphasizing the importance of leaving behind a legacy of honor and dignity.

Throughout his extensive service, Querubin has made immeasurable contributions to the Philippine military. He played a crucial role in various battles and operations against insurgents and terrorists, demonstrating strategic brilliance and unmatched courage.

Hs leadership skills have inspired his fellow soldiers to reach new levels of excellence
and valor. 

Even in retirement, Colonel Ariel Querubin maintains his prominence in Philippine military history. His retirement ceremony was a testament to his distinguished career, attended by dignitaries, fellow soldiers, and grateful citizens who recognize him as a true patriot and a model of virtue.

Although he has stepped away from active duty. Querubin continues to serve his country in various capacities, including a venture into politics. His aim is to champion Justice and national security. His valor has been acknowledged through the prestigious Medal of Valor bestowed upon him by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the highest military honor for a Filipino soldier.

Colonel Ariel Querubin's name holds immense respect and admiration in the annals of Fillipina military history. His life story is a testament to the power of courage, Integrity, and loyalty a shining example of selfless service and unwavering dedication. Looking towards the future, Querubin remains committed to leaving behind a legacy of honor and excellence that will inspire generations of Filipinos to come.

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